I got a flyer for karate classes in the mail today. I was seriously considering signing up, but then I did some math and decided it was not worth the investment. I looked it up and it takes 3-5 years to obtain a black belt. Karate lessons are $150 per month. That's $9,000 for 5 years. I never carry more than $50 dollars on me. That means I would have to get mugged 180 times in order for the amount of money taken to equal what I paid for the lessons. Martial arts experts probably picture themselves dying in some massive ninja battle. It's probably pretty depressing to the ones who die of natural causes, never having been mugged or attacked in their life. It's like spending your life walking around with a baseball glove on your hand. Chances are pretty rare that someone will throw a ball at you, so you just end up looking silly and having a sweaty hand.
Steven, I am saddened you are behind in your blogs. I just read Thursdays and was hoping for a holiday weekend catch-up reading. I also want to mention you remind me a little of Jack Handy.
ReplyDeleteSorry about that, I suffer from a rare condition where I black out for days at a time. I never know where I've been or what I've been up to. This time, I woke up on the roof of the Safeway near my house wearing a diving suit and holding an ax. At least there was no blood this time.
ReplyDeleteJack Handey is a very disturbed individual. I prefer to think of myself more like Edward Scissorhands but with regular hands for hands and without all that emotional trauma.