Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Lady of Guadelupe

I was on Costco's website looking for a good deal on bulk candy to sell from my car and I came across this product review for the Lady of Guadelupe Casket. It reads:

The way to go...
Model Number: The Lady of Guadalupe
"Thank-You to Universal Casket and Costco, The casket was beautiful on time and priced right. Nothing at the funeral home compared to this for less than 6,000 dollars, And talk about fast shipping we received it the next day using regular shipping!!! The funeral home had no issues with us provideding the casket."
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
Was this review helpful to you? Yes No (Report Inappropriate Review)

This review was either written by the company that makes the coffins or someone who apparently cares more about informing others about great deals than mourning the loss of a loved one. I'm all for saving a few thousand dollars, but if I just lost a loved one, I don't think I would write things like "And talk about fast Shipping!!!". I also like the fact that 2 out of 2 people found this review helpful. Either those 2 people also work for the casket company, or they found comfort in the fact that it is possible to go back to using triple exclamation marks so quickly after such a loss.

I was going to click (Report Inappropriate Review) but there is a chance that it was a legitimate review. Instead, I added my own review that I felt was more likely to be written by someone buying a casket: 
"I can't believe she's gone. What do I do now. How do I go on living without her warm embrace and gentle voice telling me everything will be ok? I want to provide some sort of comfort for the kids, but how can I when I have none to offer. The emptiness within me only grows more vast and piercing as the numbness of the initial shock subsides. I must find something to live for. Some strand of hope to hang on to and pull me out of this nightmare. At least the coffin arrived on time and wasn't too much money."

I got a message that it takes up to 72 hours for my review to appear. I'll have to check back and see if it made it. I really hope it was the casket company that wrote that review, otherwise I would feel really guilty for making fun of someone who has actually just buried someone.

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