Monday, August 23, 2010


Having a girlfriend is overrated. I spend a lot of time observing people and one thing I've noticed is that as people get to know each other better, the passion and mystery subsides and they start taking each other for granted. Relationships are most intense when you gaze into someones eyes for the first time and have a world full of opportunity and wonder. Observing someone from a distance, deriving things about them based on your findings, and filling in the rest with your imagination, that is the best way to keep passion alive. For example, you can find out a lot about a person by using the computer after them at the library and looking at their browser history. Especially if she saves her Facebook password in memory. Of course, I would never do anything harmful with it. Not like that jerk David. She is too good for him. I can't believe he would leave her for Jessica at Jennifer's birthday party like that. It's probably for the best, she really needs to focus on school right now if she's ever going to become a teacher.

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